It has become abundantly clear that there will be an economic stimulus plan from the Obama Administration. The cost of this plan has varied but it has been reported to be around 800 billion to a trillion dollars. With the upcoming years budget estimated 1.2 trillion dollar deficit this would push that up to 2+ trillion dollars of deficit in ONE YEAR!
First of all, I don't believe that this plan would work to begin with. The details that have been reported have changed ever since it was first talked about but the main attention seems to be on infrastructure spending. Now spending money on updating bridges and fixing schools etc. isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the expectations on this to "jump start" the economy is just ridiculous.
Obama says that this plan will create OR SAVE up to 3 million jobs. The key word there is save jobs that could be lost if this obserd amount of money weren't spent. Now if you do the math on the trillion dollars into 3 million jobs this is costing 333,000 dollars per job! This definitely doesn't seem like the most efficient way to create jobs and get the economy growing again.
In my opinion, we should be going back to the days of Reaganomics where tax cuts are made to jump start the economy rather than throwing money away on a plan that I dont think will even work. On CNBC it was reported that if you take the estimated income on taxes this upcoming year it would be around 2 trillion dollars. Now if you take the cost of this plan and just cut taxes equal to that amount you could have everybody in the US pay NO taxes for half of the year and it would cost the same amount. Now if this were to be done what would happen?
First off, if people pay no taxes for six months they will most likely work as much as possible to take advantage of the no tax opportunity. Secondly, companies would also be included in this tax break and would more than likely hire more people and do more business. Now with this idea, why would the economy not be jump started? I would be naive to think that it wouldn't
I'm just trying to put into perspective how crazy this plan sounds and what a waste of money it is. Think about it.
Well, if it could not be the Seahawks...
7 years ago
I totally agree with you. We should all give it a thought.
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